DVR Demo

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How to install the Tulix Demo application to your Roku device:

The Tulix Demo channel can be added directly to your Roku from the Roku website. Sign into your Roku account at

Click on My Account on the top right, then Add a Private Channel. Enter "tulixrokudemo" in the box and click Add Channel or visit to add directly to your Roku.

Start your Roku and check if the new app shows up in your channels. If it does not, you can go into your Roku settings, and check for updates in the System update section. This should download the app.

Once downloaded, the app will appear in the My Channels section of your Roku. Open it to watch the live and recorded programming streamed by users of the trial. Click the thumbnail that says "Your Logo Here!" to begin watching live. If this were your app, it would be completely customized and branded for you.

You can cycle through past broadcasts by navigating horizontally through the video thumbnails. Each video is one hour long and has the date and time that it aired in its description. The videos are ordered sequentially by date, so users can easily find past broadcasts.

Once you find the program you would like to watch, simply press play to load it. After the video has loaded, you can pause, fast forward, at any point using your Roku remote.

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